Registration terms

To enroll in our school, we advise you to anticipate by a few months because we have a lot of demands and waiting lists extend quickly.

If our education project is of any interest for you, you can download the 2017 (and/or 2018) registration form and send it back to us by email. This registration is free and non-binding: you will only be added to the waiting list. We will inform you via email that your form has been received and we will propose an individual visit of the school with one of the teachers to introduce you in details our teaching program, our premises and all administrative processes.

Children who are already enrolled in our school and their younger siblings have priority for the following year. Beginning in September, we fill the classes according to the order of the waiting list. We will call you to offer you a spot. To secure your spot, you will have to pay the registration fees in the following days.

We will send you further information on back-to-school time and administrative documents later on.

See FAQ section:

  • A few tips before back-to-school time