Life at school

Typical day at Kindy School

Our premises

Une salle de classe de Kindy School
A traditional Caledonian house has been converted into a school to offer a warm and welcoming working environment adapted to children. The recreational area is a green space allowing children to play freely and to let their energy and imagination run wild.
La cour de récréation de Kindy School

Lunch and napping time

Un repas à Kindy School









Your child can take his/her lunch at school either on a regular basis or occasionally whether he/she is enrolled full time or part time. You only have to inform the teacher in the morning.

Those meals are cooked by a caterer and delivered late morning. Starting at 11:00 am, we provide lunch spread over 3 to 4 time slots. Those meals are also part of our learning objectives: develop taste, sense of smell, learn to use cutlery, respect other children and learn essential hygiene (hand and teeth washing). Those objectives are undertaken by one of our teachers and a preschool assistant.

The nap is inevitable for children staying at the school the afternoon! Two ventilated sleeping areas are equipped with bedding for children and waking up is individual.

Hygiene contract

As most of 2 and 3 years old children are not toilet trained yet, defining between the school and the parents the environment in which your child will take this step appears very important to us.

The school will guide and help your child towards this training without making it a pedagogic activity… and if parents feel it is important that the first diapers are taken off in the familial intimacy, then the school will support this approach.

We will offer a small “contract” to help you make this step as simple and natural as possible.

Let’s not forget that, as Dr. L ROSSANT rightly said, “Trying to gain time in this domain is mostly losing it”, so give time to your children.